you haven‚Äôt modified your control settings, a dialog box should appear saying something like ‚ÄòOne folder named ‚ÄúAcme Movers 1.1 Δí‚Äù was moved from ‚ÄúDesktop Folder‚Äù to ‚ÄúSomewhere.‚Äù Dismiss the dialog box (by pressing the Enter or Return key, or clicking the button). Your Acme Movers folder is now in the location you specified.
Now drop the Acme Movers icon onto the Acme DropAlias application. When the dialog box comes up, select the Acme Movers folder (in whatever location you moved it to earlier). Click the “Transfer to…” button or type ⌘-M. And that’s it. You have just moved the Acme Movers folder and application where you want them and created an alias of Acme Movers on your desktop. (We told you it was a short tutorial…)